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German Beer Exchange Program Kickoff Party

Some of you may have sipped on a sneak peak over the past few weeks, but this Friday, August 10, we make it official as we kick off our Plank Road Tap Room German Beer Exchange Program!

Featuring one of the finest pilsners in the world, this event highlights the superbly crisp and refreshing Krombacher Pils. Our friend from Krombacher, Pat, will be out to talk about this historic brewery and the clean beers they produce. We'll have our first-ever steinholding contest (with a PRTR twist), and some lucky drinkers will be able to keep these killer steins (while supplies last).

Otto, our German Exchange Penguin, will oversee the whole operation, so make sure you snap a pic of this local celebrity, tag us and #plankroadtaproom, and post to your social media channel of choice for a chance to win two tickets to our 4th anniversary party, Elgin City Limits, on Aug 18!

NOTE: We're a 21-and-over venue, so you'll need to leave the kiddos behind. All dates, times and tappings subject to change.

Earlier Event: August 8
Game Night
Later Event: August 11
Pierogi Jo's